
How to join the network?

The European Network for Citizen Initiatives in Global Solidarity (CIGS) invites all organisations that aim at serving CIGS with funding, training, advice and networking opportunities to join the network and become a member of its working groups.

To become member your organisation has to agree to the founding statement of the network in writing with a letter in which the organisation formally states that it supports the founding statement. This ‘letter of connection‘ should be sent to our secretariat ( and are accepted by the current members.

After which an organisation is invited to participate in the meetings of the different working groups depending on its specific interests. All organisations obtain membership of the coordination group which has the role of the board of the network until the network conference where the network will formalise its structures.

If you have any questions please contact our temporary secretariat at:

What do we want and what is in it for you?

Members are committed to

  • the realisation of the founding statement in their own territories,
  • actively participate in the online knowledge sharing activities of the different working groups depending on their needs and competencies,
  • participate in the organisation of European conferences aiming to formalise the network. 

Membership has the following benefits:

  • access to rich database of knowledge regarding practises in funding, training, support of CIGS,
  • knowledge, experience and good practice sharing about recent issues relevant to CIGS,
  • advocacy on a European level for organisations that support CIGS and for CIGS themselves.